Enroll Your Student in Time 4 Tutoring:
When you are ready to enroll your student in Time 4 Tutoring, the process could not be easier.
Click the “Buy Now” button on any page.
- Enter your email address, this will be used as your login.
- If you are an existing customer, enter your password to login, otherwise you may create a password.
- Choose the number of sessions to purchase.
- Enter payment information and complete your purchase.
Ready to Book a Time 4 Tutoring Session?
After you have purchased your sessions, they will remain in your account for 6 months. You may request a tutoring session from the “My Account” area.
Visit the site and if you aren’t already logged in, click the “Login” button and login using the email address and password you created when you purchased your sessions.
- In the”My Account” area on the site, you will see the students you have signed up and the number of available sessions.
- Here you can purchase additional sessions for those students at any time.
- You can also click “Book a Session for this Student”
- When booking the session, you can enter the subject needed as well as give preferred day and time.
- The Time 4 Tutoring tutor will contact you within 24-48 business hours to firm up an appointment time.